A Message from our new Organist, Gavin Klein

Hello All!
Many blessings to you all at this moment in time! I hope all of you are staying safe during this crisis and continue to be well.
I would like to say thank you for having me a few Sundays ago! Your hospitality was amazing, your kindness meant the world to me, and you welcomed me with open arms. I’m so glad to be able to serve you all through music, and I am sure Rollstone will be a highlight of my musical career, and most certainly as a teenager! And I was amazed at how well the congregation sounded from the organ loft! Everyone sang, and it truly did seem like a huge choir behind me…..and it was a glorious sound!
I’d like to let everyone know that with the help of my good friend Kevin Mathieu from the Andover Pipe Organ Company, the Carillon System in the steeple is functioning once again! It is set to ring hymns at 10 AM, Noon, 3 PM, and 6 PM. If anybody might have a request for a certain hymn to be played, I can try to make that happen. We have a limited number of songs that can be played, but I will do my best to find anything. It’s set to play seasonal hymns, so right now, it is playing Lenten hymns. So, keep your ears open if you’re nearby, or just happen to be passing the church!
As most of you know, school is canceled until May 4. So, during this time period, I’ve spent some time going through music in the choir library, and my hope is to plan ahead for next year’s music and come up with a schedule of anthems. My hope is to use anthems we have already been singing and introduce some new ones. I would also encourage anyone and everyone, musical or not, to come along and join the choir!
With this, I want to leave you with one more thing. As this pandemic unfolds, we find ourselves at the mercy of God. Every day, we wake up not knowing what will happen to us. We wake up not knowing if we could be affected by this virus or not. We even wake up not knowing if there will be any Toilet Paper at the store! But find God in your life in these crazy times. It could be through prayer, taking a walk in the woods, or playing a board game with your family. But always remember that God is everywhere. Remember that God loves each and every one of us. Remember that even in the darkest of days, God is with us. And remember that God will guide us through life if we place our trust in him.
So, keep strong in your faith. Keep strong within one another even if we can’t gather together on Sunday mornings. Keep strong in yourself. Keep strong in love for one another. And pray. Pray for one another. Pray for our first responders. Pray for the world. And here is a hymn for you to think about. “Be still, my soul, the lord is on thy Side”. It says it all right there! Be still my soul. Stay calm. Stay patient. Never forget, the Lord is on thy side each and is with us every day of our lives.
I hope to see you all very soon, and I look forward to playing for you all again. Continue to stay well, take care of yourselves, and until we meet again, God be with you.
Gavin Klein
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