News from Rollstone

JUNE 26th – LIGHTS – With the help of Rick & Janet Lane and Ron Smith we got the sanctuary light over the choir loft rebuilt and installed back in the ceiling.  It only took Rick & Ron about 6 hours to get the lamp back together.  We also want to thank Ronnie Murray of Murray Machine & Fabrication and Jeff Duval of ET Duval Sheet Metal for manufacturing a key part that wasn’t available.


CAMERA – We have purchased a Canon Vexia HF G60 video camera with accessories to use in filming the services.  The service on June 28th was the first one we used it on.  It has much better video!  We are still investigating improvements to the audio and hope to have it in place shortly.

June 25th – As the conditions for us to be together continue to improve, the church leadership anxiously await when we are gathered in the sanctuary as one large family of faith. The situation will be different than we have ever experienced as we will continue to maintain social distancing and practicing the protocols that are intended to keep each of us safe. Some changes that we are seeing is that we will need to wear masks throughout

the service, we will need to keep a distance of six (6) feet from those whom we do not reside, there will not be a time to gather before and after services for fellowship, and we will unfortunately be unable to sing or use hymnals for the time being. It will feel foreign to us because this is not what we are used to doing, but in strange times we make some sacrifices so that we can be together in one place. Our projected date for returning to the sanctuary continues to be week of September 1st. The leadership asks that you be patient and adhere to the protocols and regulations that we will be operating under. There is much that we need to accomplish as we turn our focus to the reopening process. Please continue to pray for each other and the church community as we live in different and changing times.

May 28th – Dear Wellville Community:

It is with a heavy heart that we announce that Camp Wellville will not be opening for the summer of 2020. Camp will remain completely closed to all visitors. This was not an easy decision to make. The health and safety of our campers, staff, and community have always been our top priority, and given the COVID-19 crisis we know this is the right thing for us to do.

Our community is resilient. Wellville and its traditions have endured for over 60 years. We are closing this year so that we can return to a regular season next year.

The Board of Directors will continue to meet and will send out updates via email. All 2020 campers will be assessed a refund for balances paid to date over the next two weeks.

If you have questions please feel free to contact me directly at

Warm regards,

Zach Sullivan, for Wellville Board of Directors

May 22th – To: Members & Friends of Rollstone Congregational Church

Now that the State of Massachusetts has begun to reopen, the church’s leadership have met and discussed our plans for re-starting church services in the sanctuary. We have reviewed the guidance from the federal & state governments as well as the UCC Conference. We have had in depth discussions on how to best proceed. Both the Deacons and the Trustees have participated in these discussions.

Because the majority of our parishioners are over 60 years old and therefore in the most exposed group to the virus, the consensus of both boards is that for the safety of our congregation we should continue with our on-line services thru the summer. We will periodically review the situation but as of now we plan on reopening the building in September.

Stay safe, stay in touch.

Rev David Hanks, Pastor

Paul Stansel, Moderator

Linda Haas, Chair of the Deacons

Amy Larsen, Chair of the Trustees

April 29th – We have determined that the problems with the quality of our Sunday morning stream is most likely caused by the church’s internet connection. We are actively looking into upgrading our internet service as soon as possible. We are also planning on buying video equipment that will improve our streaming.

April 24th – Upper Rooms – The May/June Upper Room is available now.  If you would like a copy let us know and we will send you a copy, first come – first serve.

The UCC has advised us that they feel that churches should avoid having public worship and group meetings until at least May 31st.  They also believe that there could be a need to extend that date.

YouTube – We have also established a Rollstone Channel on YouTube.  This holds a variety of videos related to Rollstone and will be the location we plan to use to stream Sunday services live.

April 22nd – Rollstone now has a YouTube page! Search for Rollstone Church (or just click on this link) & when you find it be sure to ‘Subscribe’. If you enjoy the videos be sure to ‘Like’ them. Sunday services, music clips & other videos will be posted here.

April 21st – After may discussions with all the folks who help put on the Church’s Day Camp at Camp Wellville it has been decided by the church’s leadership that we must cancel day camp this year. This decision has not been made lightly, but it is felt that for the safety of the campers and the staff it is the only thing to do. There is always the possibility of doing something later in the year.

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